Environmental Initiatives
- Free Environmental DVDs
- A Bike Route Planner for Toronto
- Environmental Discounts
- Mint Music's Green Pages
Beginning on Earth Day April 22nd 2010 Mint Music will be offering new and existing clients who prepay for a minimum of 10 hours of Music Lessons or Recording Studio time will receive a free copy of The 11th Hour DVD.
Film Description:
The 11th Hour is the last moment when change is possible. The film explores how we’ve arrived at this moment — how we live, how we impact the earth’s ecosystems, and what we can do to change our course. Featuring ongoing dialogues of experts from all over the world, including former Soviet Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev, renowned scientist Stephen Hawking, former head of the CIA R. James Woolsey and sustainable design experts William McDonough and Bruce Mau in addition to over 50 leading scientists, thinkers and leaders who discuss the most important issues that face our planet and people.
Film Review by Chris Barsanti
The 11th Hour takes its title from a couple of themes which are woven throughout, both the extremely short duration of humanity’s time on the planet when compared to the Earth’s total history, and also the extraordinarily short amount of time remaining in which we as a society have to effect change. In one of the film’s more pungent lines, we’re told that humanity faces a ‘convergence of crises,’ many of which have by that point already been enumerated in graphic detail. The point is made quite clearly that the economic system, as currently structured, since it places no value on anything but unending growth, is inherently dangerous to the natural order of things, and will doom us all if not corrected.
Over the past few years Mint Music has continued to invest into the research and development of an interactive cycle route planner for Toronto to help cyclists avoid road hazards such as street car tracks, parked cars, smog, construction and dangerous thoroughfares. Currently Mint Music is seeking to establish partnerships with the City of Toronto, local businesses, community and cyclist advocacy groups to secure funding for an interactive online bike route planner. If you would like to get involved and help with the creation and promotion of the exciting project please contact Mint Music at (416) 707-1077.
Since 2002 Mint Music has offered an environment discount for students that walk, ride their bike or take the TTC to their lesson. To date thousands of dollars in savings have been passed on to our clients who choose to take environmentally friendly methods of transportation to their lesson.
In 2008 Mint Music founder Glen Alan and Martina Rowley created the Mint Music Green Pages. This is intended to be a resource for Mint Music clients and the community at large that highlights key environmental issues and offers solutions so that we may live a more healthy and sustainable lifestyle that is more in balance with the earth. This online resource is very much a work in progress and we welcome your comments and feedback so we can improve this resource for future site visitors.