The “F” hole of a semi acoustic guitar

A guitar fingerboard (neck) being played

The sound hole of an acoustic guitar

An adjustable nut on an electric guitar

A plastic nut on an electric guitar

The headstock on an electric guitar

The headstock on a nylon string guitar

Rear view of a headstock on a guitar

A wammy bar on an electric guitar

A wammy bar (a.k.a. a tremolo arm)

An adjustable bridge system for electric guitar

A tuning peg on an electric guitar

Rear view of an enclosed tuning mechanism

The gears of a tuning mechanism

A tuner with adjustable tension screw

Detached tuning mechanisms

Electric or acoustic guitar strings

An improvised guitar strap tied to the headstock

A strap button on an electric guitar

A strap button on the heel of an acoustic guitar

A guitar strap

Adjustable pickup screws on an electric guitar

Guitar pickups showing metallic poles

An output jack on an electric guitar

A patch cord plugged into the jack

The heel of an acoustic guitar neck

The pickup toggle switch on an electric guitar

Volume, tone knobs and rocker switch (R)

Interior braces for an acoustic guitar

A luthier works on the braces of a guitar

Back view of a wammy bar system

A removable pickup for an acoustic guitar

Guitar strings and frets close up

Guitar neck with strings removed

Acoustic guitar plastic bridge and string pegs

An adjustable bridge system on electric guitar